WHO IS WHO IN IT: Selected Croatian IT Solutions - 50UP! 2017 Istaknuto

This spring we present you an overview of the 50 most interesting applications and solutions developed by Croatian IT industry. Among numerous participating solutions our professional jury selected the most interesting and innovative solutions with the greatest future potential. This selection represents a compiled list of the most promising applications and solutions for you to “keep an eye on”.They bring value to the customer, introduce basic innovations and usage simplicity. Among 50UP IT solutions you can also find several very interesting and exciting Croatian start-ups.
The main goal of 50UP selection is to give “thumbs up” to 50 Croatian applications and solutions and to inspire developers and their companies to continue developing other appealing projects in the future. 50UP selection also wants to encourage start-ups and individuals in their creative projects and reward their efforts.
50UP selection helps participants in developing proper methodology for participation in ICT GOLD AWARD where the best ICT implementation of the year is selected. ICT GOLD AWARD represents the highest achievement in ICT and entails detail examination and selection by the recognized expert jury in the field.
If you want to keep track of the overall Croatian IT industry, browse through our previous valuated selections such as ICT GOLD AWARD, Top 50 - most influential women in IT and Who-is-Who in IT – a catalogue of Croatian IT industry.
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